My Survivor Story  

May 2017, my life took an unexpected turn, nearly two years since the first signs appeared: I got diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin Lymphoma. The diagnosis was a seismic shock, but it fueled a profound determination within me. I transformed into more than just a patient; I became a resilient fighter, steadfast in my commitment to conquer this battle.

Six rounds of grueling chemotherapy became the battleground for my resilience, each session a hard-fought step toward victory. The treatment tested me physically and emotionally, but the unwavering support of family, friends, and a dedicated medical team increased my determination, urging me to press on, one day at a time.

November of that same year brought the joyous news – I was cancer-free.

However, returning to life post-cancer proved to be a more complex journey than expected. Despite envisioning a future filled with successful sports achievements, professional success, and travel during my treatment, the reality hit hard. Returning to work, I felt out of sync, as if time had moved forward for everyone else but left me behind. Exhausted from the treatment, I grappled with the decision of whether to discuss my cancer experience. Months passed with notable highs and lows, leaving me motivated yet struggling to find direction. The desire for immediate success overwhelmed me, and I questioned the purpose of it all.

Lost in this tumultuous period, the unwavering support of friends and family became my compass. With their guidance, I discovered a new path—one focused on embracing the positive and taking life day by day.

Today, as I reflect on my journey, I embrace gratitude for the invaluable lessons and the person I've become—a survivor, a thriver, a testament to the power of resilience. While my story speaks of conquering cancer, it also signifies a continual process of self-discovery. The journey is ongoing, and I acknowledge that there is much more to learn and discover. Life after cancer is a journey of continual growth, and I face the future with an open heart and unwavering determination.