NGOs Programs

Providing guidance to your clients on effectively navigating their roles during the workplace reintegration process.

Empower your clients to shape their future by taking their work reintegration into their own hands with exclusive support to gain clarity and confidence. Your clients come from diverse backgrounds and have unique stories. They share a common thread of resilience, determination, and a desire to rebuild their lives. I am here to help them through their challenges along their journey.


Equip your HR and leadership teams with comprehensive training sessions to effectively support individuals returning to work, covering strategies for managing the entire journey from preparation to long-term integration.

Mentoring Circle Program

Establish a mentoring cricle program to foster a supportive ecosystem for for your clients: a space to be able to share about stigmatisation, societal prejudices, psychological and emotional barriers

Individual Coaching

Guide your clients toward a successful reintegration into the workplace with a set of specialised tools and individualised program adapted to each person.

Ready to Seamlessly Transition Back to Work? Contact me today to start your journey!