Corporate Training

Equip your HR Organisation and leadership teams with comprehensive training sessions to effectively support individuals returning to work, covering strategies for managing the entire journey from preparation to long-term integration.

List of trainings offered

Sensitivity and Inclusivity Training: Providing education on how to create a supportive and inclusive environment for employees returning from various types of leave, including sickness, pregnancy, parental leave, or caregiving responsibilities…

Flexible Work Arrangements: Educating leaders and HR teams on the benefits and implementation of flexible work arrangements to accommodate the needs of returning employees, such as part-time schedules or telecommuting options.

Career Development and Growth: Providing guidance on career development opportunities and pathways for employees returning to work, including training programs, mentorship opportunities, and advancement prospects.

Communication Skills: Training on effective communication strategies for discussing sensitive topics, offering support, and managing expectations during the reintegration process.

Mental Health Awareness and Support: Providing training on recognizing signs of mental health issues, offering support, and connecting employees with appropriate resources when needed.

Building a Supportive Culture: Training on fostering a culture of support, empathy, and understanding within the organization to ensure that all employees feel valued and supported during their reintegration journey.

Managing Workload and Expectations: Helping leaders and HR professionals develop strategies for managing workloads, setting realistic expectations, and facilitating a smooth transition back to work for returning employees.

Conflict Resolution: Offering training on conflict resolution techniques to address any potential conflicts or challenges that may arise during the reintegration process.

Self-care and Well-being: Educating leaders and HR professionals on the importance of self-care and well-being, both for returning employees and for themselves, to ensure a healthy and productive work environment for everyone involved.